
Saturday, September 29, 2018

Criminals or Persecuted?

No! You cannot silence them. We have seen how vicious you are in attacking those who exposed your Executive Minister's alleged love of earthly wealth that even his own siblings and mom were expelled from the church their grandfather has founded. You must be ashamed of yourselves for calling your group "Christians" because in all of Biblical stories, NONE of the prophets, sages and holy men and women have broken one of God's commandment ~ to love, respect and obey their parents (Ex. 20:12; Eph. 6:1), and none of them loved earthly wealth and power!

You can't fool the Canadian government. Those videos which proves their lives were under threat from your group are all available in public domain for anyone to see, and these videos were shot and videotaped by credible news sources in the Philippines and they all say otherwise.


By. Don Orozco

Source: Philippine News 
Lowell Menorca II and Rovic Canono, expelled former members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC) presently enjoying “asylum” in Canada after claiming political persecution in the Philippines, now literally “cash in” on their completely fictitious victim status. 
After being granted political protection on the basis of fantastic and unverified claims of threats to their safety and security, Menorca and Canono lost no time in doing what they planned to accomplish in Canada in the first place – to make the liberal, permissive and benevolent country a base for their money laundering activities and continued campaign to discredit the INC... 
...Menorca and Canono enjoy zero credibility and legitimacy in the Philippines. Before they fled the country secretly in 2016, they were both facing multiple charges of rape, domestic violence against spouse and children, adultery and other heavy criminal offenses....

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