
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

11 Catholic Artists That Will Rock Your Playlist

Becky Roach

You don’t hear a lot of Catholic music on the radio these days, but with the rise of the great artists we are featuring today hopefully that will change in the future. I hope you will enjoy this diverse list of both established Catholic musicians and a newcomers. These men and women have the gift of being able to lead us in prayer through their music.

Music has always been an important part of our worship during the Mass, but it doesn’t have to stay there! You can listen to these songs in your home, your car, or at the gym. In Colossians 3:16, St. Paul tells us, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.., singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” I encourage you to try adding songs to your prayer time. Singing can help us to enter into deeper times of prayer and thanksgiving. (Don’t worry, even if you don’t sound quite as good as some of these artists, God will still hear your prayer.)

Find some time to listen to and reflect on these great songs by some of the best Catholic artists.

Audrey Assad

Inheritance , the fourth album from Audrey Assad, was just released in February and is already bringing in rave reviews.

"Audrey Assad had provided hints of both impact and inspiration on projects past, but Inheritance provides as much substance and style as any record will likely hold in 2016...Inheritance is a brilliant album, a heartening reminder of the centrality of Jesus in all things that captivates the listener, including but not limited to its musically. It's a rare triumph on both counts that should glow beautifully as one of the year's best." -- CCM Magazine (5-Star review)

Ike Ndola

Ike Ndolo is a worship leader at a Catholic Church in Arizona. He brings a soulful, contemporary sound to the Christian music scene.

Sarah Kroger

Sarah Kroger exudes a prayerful power with her beautiful vocals and lyrics that draw us deeper into worship. Her new single, This is My Story, will be released on March 16th.

Matt Maher

Matt Maher is probably the MOST Well Known Catholic music artist on our list. I have received three GRAMMY nominations esta past year and has preformed at the World Meeting of Families Both World Youth Day and in front of Pope Francis.

Adam & I

The indie folk style of Adam & I is sure to life your spirits and get you tapping your feet in no time! "A diamond in the rough, and a bright light shining in a sometimes dark industry... their songwriting guides you home...Adam & I make you come alive and gently restore your faith in good music." -Fresh Independence, (

PJ Anderson

PJ Anderson is another rising Catholic worship leader. I recently preformed at the Youth Rally and Mass for Life at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC and has played at Present Several young adult and youth conferences.

Fr. Rob Galea

Fr Rob Galea was first "discovered" by the secular world When I auditioned for the Australian X factor, but ordained priest Have this - the Catholic rocking music scene for quite sometime Been. I have - Been on tour THROUGHOUT the US and Canada and you will be reliable to hear him at the 2016 World Youth Day.

Paul J. Kim

Paul J. Kim Brings a little Catholic rap ... err ... beatboxing to our list of Catholic artists. His music has filled some spirit and faith-based lyrics, but this guy is hilarious Present. Do not just listen to His Music, check out some of the video of the talks as well Have I Give.

Tori Harris

Tori Harris is another one of our up and coming Catholic worship leaders. Her mission is apparent as you listen to the lyrics she has written: "Through story and song to create environments of receptivity to the Holy Spirit."

Josh Blakesley Band

Another great mission from the Josh Blakesley Band - "The Josh Blakesley Band has acknowledged a simple calling: To make music that moves people into prayer and action."

The Vigil Project

The Vigil Project is not one band, but Several That Have come together to create "a multimedia resource for deep prayer and authentic encounter with God produced by a community of artists, musicians, and filmmakers. A seven-part series video of live-recorded songs and reflections is culminated by an invitation for the Church to "keep watch and pray" for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. "Check out Their website for more information about this great initiative.

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