
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Kauna-Unahang Lokal na Pari ng Iglesia ni Cristo sa Mongolia: Rev. Father Joseph Enkh Baatar

Ni Antonio Anup Gonsalves

Fr. Joseph Enkh Baatar habang nagmi-Misa sa kauna-unahang pagkakataon bilang bagong pari mula sa Mongolia (Agosto. 28, 2016. Larawan mula sa Mbumba Prosper, CICM)
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Aug 30, 2016 / 04:47 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- On Sunday Mongolia witnessed the ordination of its first indigenous priest, Fr. Joseph Enkh Baatar, a 29-year-old man who represents the first fruits of 24 years of missionary work in the east Asian country.

Bishop Wenceslao Padilla, the prefect of Ulaanbaatar, ordained Joseph Enkh Baatar a priest at an Aug. 28 Mass at St. Peter and Paul Cathedral in the Mongolian capital.

“Fr. Joseph’s ordination is a blessing of God and a moment of immense joy and inspiration for our young Mongolian Church,” Chamingerel Ruffina, a member of the organizing committee for communications at the National Catechetical Center of Mongolia, told CNA Aug. 30.

The first modern mission to Mongolia was established in 1922 and was entrusted to the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. But under a communist government influenced by the Soviet Union, religious expression was soon thereafter suppressed.

Bishop Padilla, a member of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, was one of the first three missionaries allowed into Mongolia in 1992, after the fall of communism. He became superior of the mission in Mongolia, and was instrumental in helping to discern Fr. Baatar's vocation.

The bishop praised God for the historic moment of the apostolic prefecture's first native vocation, and prayed that many more such vocations would arise to help the local Church.

The Mass was concelebrated by Archbishop Osvaldo Padilla, apostolic nuncio to Mongolia and Korea; Bishop Lazarus You Heung-sik of Daejon, in South Korea; and more than 100 priests from South Korea and Hong Kong.

More than 1,500 persons attended the Mass, including dignitaries of foreign embassies, local Orthodox churches, and Buddhist monks. The Mass was followed by joyous festival.

Ruffina commented that “This meaningful liturgical celebration of the sacrament of priestly ordination conducted in their own indigenous language gave an opportunity to the faithful to actually witness in proximity, to celebrate, and to understand the various steps in preparation for the priesthood and the ordination rite.”

The faithful of Mongolia had prepared for the event by reciting a novena to St. Paul to strengthen their missionary spirit during the Year of Mercy.

Fr. Baatar was born June 24, 1987. He lost his father at a young age, and his sister introduced him to the Catholic faith. His dream of joining the priesthood was initially postponed, due to his family's strong desire that he complete his university studies.

After graduating with a degree in biotechnology and with the support of his family, he then applied to become a seminarian for the Prefecture Apostolic of Ulaanbaatar.

Fr. Baatar entered the Daejeon seminary in South Korea, and was ordained a deacon in December 2014.

Concluding the Mass, the newly ordained priest profoundly thanked his family and his mentors at the seminary, especially Bishop You. He also praised the important role played by Bishop Padilla through his support of his vocation.

Fr. Baatar urged the faithful to pray for his priestly ministry so that he could faithfully fulfill his ordination motto, chosen from the gospel of Luke: "Deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow me."

“I thank the Lord who has called me to serve Him through the priesthood. I am also grateful to all the people who have helped me respond to this calling,” Fr. Baatar expressed.

Bishop You reminded the new priest that “the best way of announcing the good news is a life of witnessing.”

Commenting on the vast missionary work that lies ahead in Mongolia, the South Korean bishop said, “Fr. Joseph, being a Mongolian citizen, has to live as a missionary in his own country.”

Ruffina also recounted that the parishioners of Saint Mary’s parish gave Fr. Baatar a Bible which was handwritten by the parishioners themselves.

A young family ministry volunteer, Clara Gantesetseg, told CNA that “the ordination gift of Fr. Joseph Enkh is sign of hope to our people in Mongolia, and a special a gift during this Year of Mercy.”

Clara noted that “Fr. Joseph’s indigenous roots, his cultural and life experiences of his own and the people, will help to transcend the teachings of the Church to the local culture for better understanding, and also will foster interreligious dialogue.”

Among the guests at the Mass was the Abbot Dambajav of Dashi Choi Lin Buddhist Monastery. He praised the efforts of the Catholic Church and encouraged Fr. Baatar to take up the responsibility of helping the Mongolian people. He also gave the new priest a blue khadag, a ceremonial scarf, as a mark of friendship.

Ruffina pointed out that the Buddhist monk's participation and his kind words of encouragement will further forge bonds of friendship and interreligious dialogue between the communities for peaceful co-existence.

A little over half Mongolia's population is Buddhist, and following the decades of communist rule, 39 percent of Mongolia's population is non-religious. Islam, shamanism, and Christianity have mere footholds among the people.

The Prefecture Apostolic of Ulaanbaatar serves all of the estimated 1,200 Catholics in the country, which has a population of 3 million. In 2014, the local Church had three diocesan priests, who were aided by 14 religious.

Tamang Pananamit sa Loob ng mga Simbahan ng Tunay na Iglesia ni Cristo!

Mula sa Catholics Striving for Holiness


Do I properly conduct myself inside the Church and attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with love, affection, attention, taking care of the details of piety which Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is really present in the Holy Eucharist, deserves from me?

Dear friends: In preparation for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Corpus Christi), we shall take up 9 simple but very important reminders regarding CHURCH AND MASS ETIQUETTE. As St. John Paul II once said directing himself to the priests, “a priest’s worth depends on the worth of his Eucharistic life, above all his Holy Mass” (Speech, Feb. 16, 1984). And St. Josemaria wrote:

How great is the value of piety in the holy liturgy! I was not at all surprised when someone said to me a few days ago, talking about a model priest who had died recently: “What a saint he was!”—“Did you know him well?” I asked.—“no,” she said, “but I once saw him saying mass.”
-St. Josemaria, The Forge, n. 645.

We can apply these ideas and examine ourselves: How is our love for Jesus in the Holy Mass, in the Eucharist? Our love for Christ is palpably manifested by the love and attention we place to how we attend and take care the Holy Mass and how we comport ourselves inside the Church.


“Love our Lord very much. Maintain and foster in your soul a sense of urgency to love Him better. Love God precisely now when perhaps a good many of those who hold Him in their hands do not love him, but rather ill—treat and neglect him. Be sure to take good care of the Lord for me, in the Holy Mass and throughout the whole day!”
-St. Josemaria, The Forge, n. 438



The Church is the house of God and a holy place of worship. Hence, we must show our respect and devotion by avoiding inappropriate actions such as:

  • INNAPROPRIATE POSTURE: slacking, crossing one’s legs (too relaxed, not a liturgical posture)
  • EATING: the Church is not the appropriate place to take some snacks, chew a gum, or take softdrinks ….Another issue would be to feed infants or children who have not reached the age of reason: there’s no problem with that. Nor is there a problem in places where there is a heat wave and the infants or elderly have the risk of dehydration…they can bring a bottled water if there’s a need.
  • APPROPRIATE ATTIRE: What dress would you wear when you are to meet an important person? You would wear something elegant, presentable and appropriate for the occasion. The Holy Mass is a divine moment and it is important to be well-groomed and dressed appropriately with clean clothes. Modesty as well is a must. One cannot wear the same clothes for the Mass and for sports or for the beach. Help others to live the Mass well by living the virtue of modesty, avoiding to attract people with one’s inappropriate attire. It is a holy celebration –the commemoration of Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection- and your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, so cover it as it is only meant for your loved one.
  • USE OF PHONES IN SILENT MODE: I once saw a sign on the wall of the entrance to a Church in Manila depicting a PHONE with a SLASHED SIGN and with the caption below: “TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONES SO YOU CAN STAY TUNE-IN WITH OUR LORD” and below, another illustration, showing the dress code and the inappropriate dress for Mass (sleeveless shirts, very short shorts, mini skirts). Out of respect to Our Lord and to contribute to a prayerful and recollected atmosphere, let us avoid at all costs the use of smartphones during the Mass. If one has a justified reason (a doctor on call, a sick person in the family, emergency calls…) one may attend to calls in a discreet manner, having the phone in a silent or vibrate mode and quietly leaving the Church rather than receiving the calls or texting inside the Church.
  • Nevertheless, smartphones have to possibility to contain religious, spiritual books and including the missal…so if you see a person using his smartphone, don’t commit the error of making a harsh, pharisaical judgment, even just mentally, for he may be doing his mental prayer, spiritual reading or following the Holy Mass with his e-book missal.
  • SILENCE AND SPIRIT OF RECOLLECTION: The Church as a house of prayer must be a tranquil place conducive for prayer. It is not the proper place to make chit chats with an acquaintance or friends. There will be other places and opportunities for that. If you have children who are crying or who make a lot of noise during the Holy Mass, kindly bring them outside the Church so as to help the priest and the faithful follow the Mass with attention. By doing so, you are living charity to your fellowmen. On the priest’s part….patience…no need to get angry but rather take advantage to pray for the baby and his parents.


  • Social etiquette requires different modes of greeting a person as a sign of courtesy and respect: Japanese make the bow, friends shake hands, soldiers salute their superiors, people stand up when an important person passes by… Jesus is truly present in the tabernacle and AS A SIGN OF SUBMISSION, ADORATION, ACKNOWLEDGMENT, FAITH, RESPECT AND LOVE, WE BEND OUR KNEE WHEN WE PASS IN FRONT OF THE TABERNACLE.
  • In some Churches, the tabernacles are placed on a side altar and IT IS A VERY GOOD CUSTOM TO LOOK FOR THE TABERNACLE TO GREET OUR LORD UPON ENTERING THE CHURCH.
  • The presence of Our Lord inside the tabernacle is indicated by a LIGHTED VOTIVE CANDLE and/or a VEIL COVERING THE TABERNACLE.


  • The altar represents Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the reason why the priest, in the beginning of the Mass, bows (makes a “reverence” in front of the altar) and kisses it: a kiss directed to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • When we enter the Church and see the altar (without the tabernacle located in the center), as a sign of reverence, we make a bow towards the altar which represents Jesus Christ.


  • The Eucharistic fast is calculated from the time you finished eating till the moment of Communion and not till the beginning of the Holy Mass. So you see, it’s quite easy J
  • The reason behind the Church law to live the Eucharistic fast (from food and liquids other than water) is to remind the communicants that we are not receiving an ordinary bread but the Body of Christ, Christ Himself.
  • Those who are sick are not obliged to live the fast.


  • We must ARRIVE ON TIME, WHICH MEANS AT LEAST 5- 10 MINS BEFORE THE START OF THE MASS TO RECOLLECT ourselves and spend a few minutes of prayer.
  • If we wouldn’t want to be late for an important job interview, or for a meeting with a very important person, the more reason we wouldn’t want to be late for the Holy Mass, where it is God who awaits us.


  • The Second Vatican Council’s document on the Sacred Liturgy, “Sacrosantum Concilium” encourages the faithful to actively participate during the Holy Mass.
  • ACTIVE PRESENCE: We must not forget that it is possible to be present in the Church (and its vicinities, e.g., outside the Church where men prefer to stay or young people who wish to be with their friends) without having attended the Holy Mass…so some effort we have to exert to make the most out of the commemoration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord, which we celebrate in the Holy Mass.
  • LISTENING WITH ATTENTION: Using a missal or a mass leaflet helps a lot to follow the readings with attention and get the most out of the Word of God and the Holy Mass in general.
  • HOMILY: We, priests, must prepare our homilies in order to transmit the Word of God, avoiding at all costs, lengthy, fuzzy sermons which bore the faithful and losing a very important opportunity in catechizing and evangelizing those who are present. Homilies which last more than 10 minutes are usually counterproductive. Simple, few, concrete ideas with practical application based on the readings of the Mass nurture the soul of our brethren.


  • For example, we STRIKE OUR BREAST during the “I confess” to signify our contrition; we STAND UP during the Gospel as a sign of respect to the Word of Our Lord Jesus Christ or readiness to do God’s will; we KNEEL DOWN during the Consecration as a sign of adoration and faith on the miracle of the Transubstantiation when the bread is converted into Christ’s Body and the wine, to His Blood. Those who have problems of kneeling down due to weakness, old age, or illness (gout, arthritis etc.) may remain standing.
  • On the PRIEST’S part, when HE OPENS HIS HANDS during the Collect prayer, Prayer over the Gifts and Prayer after Communion, this gesture directed towards heaven is a sign of humble supplication towards the Blessed Trinity to listen and grant his pleas on behalf of the faithful: the priest is a mediator between God and man.
  • When he PUTS HIS HANDS PALMS DOWN OVER THE GIFTS, He invokes God to send the Holy Spirit towards the bread and wine he is about to consecrate “in persona Christi”, meaning “in the person of Christ”. When he genuflects after the consecration of the bread and wine during which the miracle of the Transubstantiation occurs, he does it out of adoration towards the Real Presence of Christ!
  • LET US LEARN TO PRAY NOT ONLY WITH OUR MIND AND LIPS, BUT WITH OUR ENTIRE BEING AS WELL, doing the gestures which correspond to us during the different moments of the Holy Mass, putting our heart in them as well. With this, we pray with our entire being: body and soul.


  • As a sign of our faith and love towards the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, it is important to show some REVERENCE AND AFFECTION TO OUR LORD BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER WE RECEIVE THE HOLY COMMUNION.
  • BEFORE: Make ACTS OF FAITH, ACTS OF LOVE, SPIRITUAL COMMUNIONS. Above all, we should ask ourselves if we have the proper dispositions to receive Our Lord, i.e., if we are in the STATE OF GRACE (with no mortal sin).
  • DURING: When we receive Communion, it is important to acknowledge God’s Real Presence with a sign of reverence which could be a BOW, or KNEELING DOWN…depending on the customs and circumstances in each church or diocese.
  • THE IDEAL WAY TO RECEIVE OUR LORD IN COMMUNION IS TO RECEIVE HIM BY MOUTH. Why? To avoid the possibility that some small particles of the Sacred Host will remain in our hands(if we are to receive it in this manner)and get lost or dropped on the floor. Nevertheless, you have the freedom to choose if in your diocese, your Bishop allows reception of Communion by hand. But the priest cannot force you to receive it by the hand if you wish to receive Communion by mouth.
  • AFTER: Recollect yourself and be aware that you have God in your body and soul! These are the MOST IMPORTANT MINUTES OF THE WEEK (OR DAY). And when two people who are in love are together, they make the most out of it and they are not at all in a hurry to part ways! It is logical and advisable then that you talk to Our Lord: thank Him, tell Him that you love Him, say sorry for your sins, ask Him a lot not only for your needs and those of your loved ones, but for the Pope, for the needs of the Church, of those who are suffering due to whatever cause, for the holy souls in purgatory, for the conversion of sinners, for vocations….Have a big heart and it’s time to be an insistent beggar to Our Lord!


  • The Holy Mass ends AFTER the priest gives the blessing and says: “The Mass is ended, go in peace” (or another formula. As a sign of good education and respect, WE REMAIN STANDING TILL THE PRIEST LEAVES THE PRESBYTERY.
  • If we have received communion, it is good to spend some few minutes of THANKSGIVING to Our Lord in our body and soul, PHYSICALLY PRESENT IN OUR BODY (DON’T FORGET: THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MOMENT OF THE WEEK!), then leaving the Church quietly so as not to distract others. We must avoid being in a hurry, leaving the Church immediately: it could be a sign of lack of delicacy with Our Lord.
Well, these are some ideas which will help us live the proper Church and Mass etiquette out of love, respect and devotion for God really present in the Holy Eucharist. I’m sure there are more details which could be added, since love takes care of little things and consists in small details of affection, but for now, this would be sufficient.

Praying daily for the spiritual fruits of this page.
Do help me pray for this intention as well.
Take care and God bless you and your loved ones!

-Fr. Rolly Arjonillo, priest of Opus Dei. CATHOLICS STRIVING FOR HOLINESS. We are also in Facebook: Hope you like our page and invite your friends as well to do so in order to help more people.

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Monday, August 29, 2016

Facebook Founder Bumisita sa Iglesia ni Cristo sa Roma (Vatican) kay Papa Francisco

Pope Francis receives Facebook CEO in private audience

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met with Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, and his wife, Priscilla Chan, on Monday in a private audience in the Vatican.

A statement released by the Holy See Press Office said: “They spoke about how to use communication technologies to alleviate poverty, encourage a culture of encounter, and help deliver a message of hope, especially to those people who are most disadvantaged.”

(Mga larawan mula sa Facebook Page ng Vatican Radio)

Ang Krus ni Jesus, Kinutya Noon Hanggang Ngayon ng mga Nagpapanggap na Kristiano!

This Anti-Christian Graffito May Be Earliest Depiction of Crucifixion

Mula sa National Catholic Register
Sinulat ni Matthew Archbold
26 Agosto 2016

We are mocked in popular culture. We are attacked by the government. But this, as we know, is nothing new for Christians.

In fact, it's rather fitting that perhaps the earliest surviving depiction of Christ crucified might just be anti-Christian graffiti. Discovered in 1857, carved into a wall near the Palatine Hill in Rome, the graffiti is believed to have been drawn around 200 AD. The central figure of the drawing is a crucified figure with the body of a man and the head of a donkey or ass. To the left of the crucified figure is a man raising his hand in presumed worship. A mocking inscription accompanies the drawing which says "Alexamenos worshipping his God."

The donkey head must have been a prevalent slander at the time as, Tertullian, a convert, countered the accusation in his writings:

"…you have dreamed that our God is an ass’s head. This sort of notion Cornelius Tacitus introduced. [2] For in the fifth book of his Histories [5.4] he begins his account of the Jewish War with the origin of the race; and about that origin as about the name and religion of the race he discoursed as he pleased. He tells how the Jews, liberated from Egypt, or, as he thought, exiled, were in the wilderness of Arabia utterly barren of water; and how, dying of thirst, they saw wild asses, which chanced to be returning from their pasture (it was thought) to slake their thirst; how they used them as guides to a fountain, and out of gratitude consecrated the likeness of a beast of the kind. [3] Thence came, I think, the assumption that we too, standing so near Jewish religion, are devoted to worship of the same image." Tertullian, Apology. 16: 1-3

Arrows of derision have been targeting Christians since the beginning. It doesn't make them hurt less to know that they've been flown at us for 2,000 years. But we also know it is our response to it that matters.

We are called to love those who mock us, deride us. We are called to continually persevere in loving God, even at the cost of the world's view of us. We have countless examples of love and faith overcoming derision and violence throughout the millennia from Stephen the Martyr to Maximillian Kolbe and countless others.

And yes, it would seem we even have the example of Alexamenos too. In a lesser known scribbling on an interior wall dated around the same time, there was written what seems like a response to the blasphemous message. It reads "Alex is faithful."

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Asawa ng Ka Eraño G. Manalo at Ina ng Ka Eduardo V. Manalo ang Bagong 'Jezebel' ayon kay G. Jose Ventilacion

Mula sa blog ni G. Jose Ventilacion
Hindi ito karapat-dapat itawag sa Ka Babylyn kundi kay Gng. Cristina “Tenny” V. Manalo sapagkat natupad sa kanya ang pagkakahalintulad kay Jezebel.

  1. Tulad ni Jezebel, si Gng. Tenny ay nagdulot ng isa sa mga pinaka malubhang suliraning pagka-bahabahagi.
  2. Tlad ni Jezebel, si Gng. Tenny ay nanghikayat sa mga lingkod ng Diyos na lumabag sa kautusan ng Diyos nang siya ay manawagan sa Youtube.
  3. Tulad ni Jezebel, si Gng. Tenny ay nakikialam sa Pamamahala ng Kapatid na Eduardo V. Manalo dahil tumatangap at sumasagot si Gng. Tenny Manalo ng sulat ukol sa Ordenasyon ng mga Manggagawa.
  4. Tulad ni Jezebel, si Gng. Tenny ay nakikialam sa Pamamahala ng Kapatid na Eduardo V. Manalo dahil tumatangap at sumasagot ng sulat ng mga nagbabalik na na-disiplinang Ministro at Manggagawa.
  5. Tulad ni Jezebel, pinakikialaman ni Gng. Tenny ang mga gawain at pasya ng ating Tagapamahalang Pangkalahatan, ang kapatid na Eduardo V. Manalo dahil sa kanilang hindi pagpapasakop at pangunguna sa mga kapatid na sila ay tulungan dahil sila ay diumano’y nasa panganib.
  6. Tulad ni Jezebel, ang ginawa ni Gng. Tenny ay humantong sa pagpatay ng mga inosenteng tao at mga propeta na maaaring ihalintulad sa pagkapamahak ng kaluluwa ng mga ministro at mga kapatid na natiwalag dahil sa ginawa nilang paghihikayat upang lumaban sa Pamamahala.
  7. Tulad ni Jezebel, pinarusahan si Gng. Tenny ng Panginoong Diyos at siya ngayon ay Tiwalag.
  8. Tulad ni Jezebel, ang ginawa pananawagan ni Gng. Tenny ay nagbunga ng paglabag ng ilang mga kapatid sa mga aral ng Diyos.
Samakatwid, kitang kita natin kung kanino natupad ang nasusulat sa Biblia tungkol kay Jezebel sa katauhan ni Gng. Cristina V. Manalo at ito ay kailanman hinding hindi ang kapatid na Babylyn V. Manalo.

Tanong ko lang: Bakit di nila SINABI sa Ka Eraño G. Manalo noong nabubuhay pa ito na ang asawa pala niya, at ina ng mga magiging anak nila (at ina mismo ng nakaupong Executive Minister) ay isa palang 'JEZEBEL' sa makabagong panahon?

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Harvard Law Professor Umanib na po sa Tunay na Iglesia!

“Brilliant,” “Influential” Harvard Law Professor Converts to Catholicism

by ChurchPOP Editor -

Harvard law professor Adrian Vermeule was recently received into the Catholic Church, reports Princeton law professor Robert George, himself also Catholic, on Facebook.

Here’s George’s post:

The post says:

“One of our nation’s most brilliant and influential legal scholars, Professor Adrian Vermeule of Harvard Law School, has been received into the Catholic Church. How the Church, weakened and wounded as she is at this historical moment (with the worst of her wounds being self-inflicted), continues to attract such extraordinary men and women is, to me, well . . . a miracle.”

Vermeule is in the center of the picture, flanked by a few priests and another person. The priest on the far right was identified by Facebook commenters as Fr. Brian E. Daley, S.J., professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame. Another commenter said the location appeared to be “outside Corby Hall at Notre Dame.”

Vermeule earned his undergraduate degree at Harvard in 1990 and his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1993. He served as a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away earlier this year and was public about his Catholic faith.

He then taught at the University of Chicago for a few years until joining the Harvard Law School faculty in 2006. And just earlier this year, he was named the Ralph S. Tyler, Jr. Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard Law School.

Comments on George’s posts were very positive.

“Congratulations Prof. Adrian Vermeule! Welcome to the Catholic family, we share in your joy!” one commenter wrote. “I am speechless!” said another.



The first communion Mass in Alqosh was an historic moment for a “frontier town” that has been under threat from the militants of the Islamic State (IS) for a long time. Now it can “hope for peace and normalcy” around these hundred children, said Mgr Basil Yaldo, auxiliary bishop of Baghdad and close associate of the Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako.

The Chaldean primate presided over the ceremony that was attended by “all the priests of the city, the nuns and more than 700 people. The faithful were excited because for the first time, the patriarch celebrated communions in the community.”

Like many other towns in Iraqi Kurdistan, Alqosh too welcomed scores of refugees.

“Life in the area is almost back to normal,” said the vicar of Baghdad. “We hope that soon the whole plain [of Nineveh] can be liberated from the jihadists, and that refugees can return to their villages.”

The work to secure the area, he added, has “already started and for the past two days Iraqi troops have launched the battle to liberate the villages surrounding Mosul.”

…Addressing the boys and girls who received the first communion, Patriarch Sako urged them not to abandon their land, the city of Alqosh, but to stay and help in the reconstruction “because there is a (Christian) heritage to be preserved. ”

The Chaldean primate, Mgr Yaldo noted, also called on young people to “be stronger, come to church and participate in the life of the Christian community as one participates in the life of a family.”

After the service, the children asked Patriarch Sako some questions. One of them, Mgr Yaldo noted, said that when he “grows up he wants to become a priest to serve the poor and the needy.”

The patriarch could not hold back his emotion after listening to such words, adding that “it is important to support and share the suffering.”

Read it all. God bless every one of them and keep them safe.

Saturday, August 13, 2016


Matagal-tagal na ring katanungan ito sa mga kaanib ng INC™ ni Felix Manalo ukol sa kanilang pagpupumilit na NATALIKOD na raw na GANAP ang IGLESIANG TATAG ni CRISTO ngunit masyadong mailap ang mga kasagutan, maging sa kanilang mga opisyal na pahayag ay hindi nila ito tinangkang laliman.

May mangilan-ngilan lamang sa kanilang mga kaanib ang nangahas na sumagot sa katanungang ito tulad na lamang nito:

Tama po naman ang kasagutan ni G. Owen. Ang TAO ang TUMALIKOD at HINDI ang IGLESIA. Sapagkat ang IGLESIA ay parang KAISA o "KABIYAK" ni Cristo (Efeso 5:22-33), kung saan si CRISTO ang ULO ng KATAWAN (Iglesia - Colosas 1:18).

Kung si Cristo pala ay ULO ng KATAWAN na siyang Iglesia, bakit naman matatalikod ang KATAWAN na hindi kasama ang ulo? Kung tatanggapin natin ang kanilang mga paliwanag na NATALIKOD na ganap na nga ang ORIHINAL na Iglesia ni Cristo, lalabas na si Cristo mismo ay bumalimbing at Siya na mismo ang tumalikod sa Iglesiang Siya mismo ang nagtatag.

Taliwas po sa sentido comon ang sasabihin nilang "natalikod na ganap" ang tunay na Iglesiang tatag ni Cristo at lumitaw itong muli sa kapanahunan ni Felix Manalo na itinuturing nilang "Huling Sugo" raw sa mga wakas ng lupa.


Ngunit alam naman natin na HINDI sinungaling si Cristo, hindi mandaraya at hindi manlilinlang. At kung HINDI nga naman sinungaling ang ating Panginoong Jesus, hindi mandaraya at hindi manlilinlang, samakatuwid si FELIX MANALO ang singungaling, mandaraya at manlilinlang sapagkat siya ay gumawa ng kwentong barbero na hindi sinasang-ayunan ng kahit isang saknong ng Biblia at walang nakasulat na patunay mula sa pahina ng mga aklat-kasaysayan.

Ngayon, ayon sa sagot ng kanilang kaanib na TAO ang TUMALIKOD, lalabas na patama ito sa kanilang 'Huling Sugo' sapagkat si Felix Manalo ang TUMALIKOD at hindi ang tunay na IGLESIA ni Cristo noon pang unang siglo, at iyan ay ang IGLESIA KATOLIKA (PASUGO Abril 1966, p. 46).

Ayon sa Wikipedia, si Felix Manalo ang TUMALIKOD sa Iglesia Katolika na sa "pasimula ay siyang Iglesia ni Cristo." 

Kaya't ang KATUPARAN ng kanilang mga pahayag na NATALIKOD na ganap ang TUNAY na Iglesia ay bumalik kay Felix.

Dahil si Felix Manalo ang tumalikod at hindi ang Iglesia, lalabas na si Felix ang siyang nandaya, nagsinungaling at nanlinlang sa kanyang mga kaanib at hindi si Cristo.

Bilang pangwakas, ating balikan ang mga pangako ni Cristo ukol sa kanyang iglesia at sa mga apostol ay ganito:


"Mapalad ka, Simon na anak ni Jonas! Sapagkat ang katotohanang ito'y hindi inihayag sa iyo ng sinumang tao kundi ng aking Ama na nasa langit.  At sinasabi ko sa iyo, ikaw ay Pedro, at sa ibabaw ng batong ito ay itatayo ko ang aking iglesya at ang pintuan ng daigdig ng mga patay ay hindi magtatagumpay laban sa kanya.  Ibibigay ko sa iyo ang mga susi ng kaharian ng langit. Ang ipagbawal mo sa lupa ay ipagbabawal sa langit, at ang ipahintulot mo sa lupa ay ipahihintulot din sa langit."

IINGATAN ANG IGLESIA NG DIYOS HANGGANG SA WAKAS NG PANAHON (hindi iniwanan ni Cristo ang Iglesia at hindi ito matatalikod sapagkat Diyos ang mag-iingat sa kanyang tatag na Iglesia).

"Pumunta ang labing-isang alagad sa Galilea, sa bundok na sinabi sa kanila ni Jesus.  Nang makita nila si Jesus, siya'y sinamba nila, subalit may ilan sa kanilang nag-alinlangan.  Lumapit si Jesus at sinabi sa kanila, "Ibinigay na sa akin ang lahat ng kapangyarihan sa langit at sa lupa.  Kaya't habang kayo'y humahayo, gawin ninyong alagad ko ang mga tao sa lahat ng bansa. Bautismuhan ninyo sila sa pangalan ng Ama, at ng Anak, at ng Espiritu Santo.  Turuan ninyo silang sumunod sa lahat ng iniutos ko sa inyo. Tandaan ninyo, ako'y laging kasama ninyo hanggang sa katapusan ng panahon."

Kaya't ano pang hinihintay niyo? Halina't bumalik na sa TUNAY na IGLESIA NI CRISTO-- ang NAG-IISA, BANAL,  AT APOSTOLIKANG IGLESIA KATOLIKA!

Friday, August 12, 2016


"MARIA, KABAN NG TIPAN, IPANALANGIN MO KAMI!" Isa ito sa inuusal natin sa Litanya ng Mahal ng Birhen,  sa tuwing tayo ay nagdarasal ng banal na Rosaryo.

Bakit kaya tayong mga nasa TUNAY NA IGLESIA ay sinasabing KABAN NG BAGONG TIPAN ay si MARIA? Narito ang kasagutan mula sa CATHOLIC360 na sinulat ni SHAILA D TOUCHTON Agosto-11-2016
Photo Credit: Flickr/PROWaiting For The Word

Mother Mary is the biggest obstacle and denial for most of Protestants because of a distorted the doctrine, misinterpretation of the scriptures and misunderstanding of Mother Mary. Mary is the Mother of Jesus and hence Mary is the Mother of God. We know that within the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, the fullness of God dwells. (Colossians 2:9).Hence Mother Mary is a God bearer or Mother of God.

In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant, overshadowed by the Spirit of God, was the instrument through which God came to dwell among men. In the New Testament, Mary, overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and was the instrument through which God came to dwell among men. Hence Mother Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant. We also know from Genesis 3:15 that God promises to defeat Satan through a woman” and “her seed.” And the woman is no one but Mother Mary and the seed was our Lord Jesus Christ. The woman of Genesis 3:15 is same as the women of Revelation 12.

1. In Old Testament we know that

David was afraid of the Lord that day, and he said, "How can the ark of the Lord come to me?" (2 Samuel 6:9) can be compared in the New Testament when Elizabeth says to Mary: And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? (Luke 1:43)

2. The Old Ark was the dwelling place of God in the Old Covenant (Exodus 40:34), so the New Ark, the Virgin Mary, is the dwelling place of God in the New Covenant (Luke 1:35).

3. In the Old Testament the Ark of the Old Covenant was “overshadowed” by the power and presence of God (Exodus 40:34 -35) and in the New testament, the Virgin Mary was “overshadowed” by the power and presence of the Most High (Luke 1:35).

4. In the Old Testament when the Ark of the Covenant is brought before David, he danced when he saw the Ark of the Covenant in (2 Samuel 6:14) and he was wearing linen ephod which is a priestly vestment. In the New Testament we know John the Baptist belongs to priestly line of Aaron. John Baptist(Baby) leaped in her womb hearing the Ark of the Covenant (Luke 1:41) .

4.In the Old Testament, after David dances before the Ark of the Covenant, the ark remains three months (2 Samuel 6:11) and likewise in New Testament Baby John the Baptist leaped in his mother's womb at hearing Mary, and she remains three months in their presence (Luke 1:56).

5. In the Old Testament the ark traveled to the house of Obed-edom in the Hill country of Judea(2 Sam.6:1-11) and in the New testament we know that Mary traveled to the house of Elisabeth and Zechariah in the Hill country of Judea ( Luke 1:39).

6. In the Old Testament David shouts in the presence of the ark(2 Sam.6:15) and in the New Testament Elizabeth exclaimed with a loud cry in the presence of Mary (Luke 1:42).

7. In the Old Testament, the house of Obed-edom was blessed by the presence of the ark.(2 Sam 6:11) and in the New testament the word is used 3 times and the house is surely blessed by God ( Luke 1:39-45).

8. In the Old Testament, the ark returns to its home and ends up in Jerusalem, where God's presence and glory is revealed in the temple.( 2 Sam6:12,1Kings8:9-11) and in the New Testament,Mary returns home and eventually ends up in Jerusalem, where she presents God,the incarnate in the temple ( Luke 1:56,Luke2:21-22).

9. In the Old Testament, The Word was written by God on Tablets of Stone (Ex 25:10) placed inside the Ark (Deut 10:1-4) and In the New Testament the Word of God became Flesh (John 1) conceived inside Mary (Luke 2:38) which means Mary carried the Word of God.

10. In the Old Testament, The Ark of the Old Covenant contained the written word of God (Deut. 10:5) and In the New Testament the Virgin Mary contained the Word of God made flesh, Jesus (John. 1:1).

11. In the Old Testament, The Ark contained the manna from the desert ( Hebrews 9:4) and in The New Testament Mary contained the manna from Heaven which is our Lord Jesus( John 6:48-51).

Woman in Revelation 12 is not Israel But Virgin Mary:

1. In New Testament Rev 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.

Here the woman ‘clothed’ with the Sun, moon and stars represents Mother Mary, and her child is Christ. There is no indication in Scripture anywhere that the Nation Israel gives birth to the Son who is the messiah. Everything here is individual and reality nothing symbolic.

And In Old Testament, in Isaiah 7:14 which says” Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel”. Here too clearly the Bible says the only person who gives birth to Jesus is Mary not Israel. When we look at the Scriptures, both Old and New Testament, we will not find a single reference to Israel either being a ‘woman’.

2. In New Testament, Rev 12:2: And being with child, she cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered is same as Isaiah 66:7 “Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son.

3. Rev 12:3-9. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

We see here this "red dragon" Is Satan which is individual. those who are fighting against the dragon are Michael and the angels they are too individuals and real.

John speaks also of a dragon who is seeks to destroy the child, and goes to war against the angels of God (Rev 3-4 and Rev 7-9).

Again clearly here the child is Jesus, and the Woman is Mother Mary and Michael is real angel and the angels and as the Devil is real Satan. There are no symbols. Still it is reality.

4. Gen. 3is parallel to Rev. 12. The devil is at war both with the woman of Genesis 3:15, and the woman in Revelation 12 who bore a Son. The seed of the ‘woman’ in Genesis 3:15 as Jesus. And the woman is Mother Mary who will be at war with the Devil. This fits perfectly again the Revelation 12 where the woman is at war with the devil. The Woman of Genesis 3 is not Israel but Mother Mary. Paul spoke of the seed born of a woman (Gal. 4:4), and John told of the woman clothed with the sun who brought forth the manchild (Rev 12:1). Both depict the birth of Christ not Israel. The woman is battling with the dragon, or Satan, she has some offspring who are at war with the devil. Revelation 12 indicates that those Christians, who bear testimony to Jesus, also are Mary’s offspring. Those who bear testimony to Jesus are christians who have Mary as their Mother. That is clear Biblical truth.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Tarheta sa Pagsamba, Nasa Biblia ba?

Ayon sa FB Page na "Iglesia ni Santos" taob na raw ang tarheta para maligtas. Nakasulat ba sa Biblia ang paggamit ng tarheta para lamang malaman kung sino ang dumalo sa hindi? Hindi ba't tanging ang Diyos lamang ang dahilan ng pagsasamba at Siya lamang ang dapat na nagtatarheta sa langit?

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Ateista Umanib sa Tunay na Iglesia ni Cristo matapos Patayin ng Isang Teroristang Muslim si Father Jacques Hamel sa France!

Atheist Journalist Sohrab Ahmari Announces Conversion to Catholicism After Jihadis Kill French Priest

August 1, 2016|4:38 pm

Sohrab Ahmari.
Last week's killing of a French priest by radicals associated with the Islamic State has inspired atheist Wall Street Journal writer Sohrab Ahmari to come out publicly about his plans to convert to Catholicism.

After the news broke that Father Jacques Hamel had been killed by radicals who raided the Church of the Gambetta in the Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray district of Normandy last Tuesday, the Iranian-born Ahmari announced in a tweet:

"#IAmJacquesHamel: In fact, this is the right moment to announce that I'm converting to Roman Catholicism."

Ahmari later deleted the tweet and pinned another tweet the following day.

"To new followers: I deleted my tweet professing my conversion, to avoid drawing internet-crazies' attention to my church," the tweet explained.

In response to published reports and tweets that incorrectly claimed he was converting to Christianity from Islam, Ahmari clarified in another tweet that he is actually converting from Atheism.

Although Ahmari publicly announced his conversion only after Hamel was killed, his decision to convert was not inspired by Hamel's martyrdom.

A source close to Ahmari told The Christian Post that Ahmari has been under instruction with a Roman Catholic priest for some time now but Hamel's death was what prompted him to announce his conversion plans.

Ahmari was born in Tehran and moved to the United States when he was 13 years old. He earned a law degree from Northeastern University and was inspired to become a journalist because of the disputed 2009 Iranian elections.

Ahmari has been published in The Boston Globe, The New Republic, The Chronicle of Higher Education and works as an editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal's European edition.

In response to the attack in Normandy last Tuesday, Ahmari praised French President François Hollande for declaring that France is "at war" with the Islamic State.

"I support that sentiment because it's still ahead of where many other European governments are in terms of recognizing that what's happening is a low-grade jihadist insurgency targeting all of Europe, and many governments are in denial," Ahmari said in a video interview on "As far as the Hollande government goes, at least it's a first step to recognizing the adversary and to say there is a war. That is more than can be honestly said of President Obama."

Ahmari added that he thinks European governments are being too reactionary and are not mobilizing to defeat the extremist threats.

"What you see is governments lurching from attack to attack and being very reactive," he said. "If something like [the Normandy church attack] happens, France ramps up sales of artillery to the Iraqi government. ... But you don't see that full-scale mobilization that really needs to happen."

Another area of concern that Ahmari warned about is the Islamic State's growth in Libya.

"No one is paying attention to this vast stretch of territory becoming an 'ISISistan,' if you will," Ahmari stressed.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Mula sa Palakasan sa Olympics, ngayo'y Pari!

From Olympic Athlete to Diocesan Priest
Source: National Catholic Register

New York native Father Joe Fitzgerald now recruits others to serve at the altar.


New York native Father Joe Fitzgerald now recruits others to serve at the altar.

It’s not often that someone can say his local priest was also an Olympic athlete. However, this can be done in the case of Father Joe Fitzgerald, who competed in the 1996 games in Atlanta. He was on the U.S. handball team with his brother, Thomas. They had traveled to dozens of countries for competitions and were back home playing on the biggest athletic stage in the world.

Participating in the Olympics was a great thrill for Father Fitzgerald, but it pales in comparison to serving as a minster of God. Now, as vocations director for the Diocese of Rockville Centre, N.Y., he works daily to find other men who will share in the joy of his ministry.

Father Joe Fitzgerald spoke with Register correspondent Trent Beattie leading up to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

What exactly is handball?

Handball — not to be confused with American handball, which is like racquetball — developed into its modern-day form largely through early 20th-century European soccer coaches who wanted their players to learn how to use their hands in recreation. It is now played indoors with teams (of seven competitors each) trying to score goals on each other. Maybe the simplest way to describe it is that it’s like water polo without the water and played in a gym.

How did you get started in handball?

I would tag along with my brother, Thomas, who is five and a half years older than I am, to his sports practices. I loved being around older kids doing things I wanted to do. I looked up to them and couldn’t wait to get out and run around like they were. Little did I know that in 1996 I would be playing on the U.S. Olympic handball team with my brother.

As I grew older and did play on my own teams, a P.E. teacher at North Babylon High School and the school’s principal came up with handball as a way for getting all kinds of different kids to play on the same team. We enjoyed it a lot, and we became quite good at it; and it never seemed to interfere with the schedules of my other sports of football, basketball and baseball.

I got to play football at Ithaca College, a Division III school. I was the backup quarterback on their national championship team in 1991. Curiously, I was one of the team’s leading rushers as the backup QB — that shows how much I liked to run the ball — and the next year, as a senior starter, we went 9-1, but did not make it back to the national championship game.

Like most college players, I didn’t go to the NFL, but I did start playing handball more intensely, traveling to approximately 50 countries for competitions. The biggest highlight was playing on the U.S. Olympic team with my brother in 1996. So much dedication went into making that team, and the overall experience at the games was so amazing that I don’t feel bad about not winning a medal. That would have been nice, but as the Olympic Oath states, it is about the opportunity to compete more than to win.

Did you always know you’d be a priest?

As a kid I was not certain I’d be a priest, but I was open to the possibility. I thought maybe I’d get married or be a priest, so either vocation was in play. My brother, two sisters and I were encouraged by our parents to pursue whatever vocation we might have, and my uncle was a priest, so that made priesthood more visible to me.

I lived in the Atlanta area from 1994 to 2000 and got acquainted with Life Teen. It was at one of their retreats I helped to lead that the Lord really got my attention. It was during a Eucharistic adoration prayer service when it became so clear that it wasn’t enough for me to talk about being a follower of Christ; I had to actually do more following of Christ myself.

I had made some really dumb decisions and was not really living on a level pleasing to God. I understood that being lukewarm was not an option and that I had a choice between heaven and hell. God wanted me to belong entirely to him, but I was just talking the talk and walking the walk only when it was convenient for me.